Sunday 26 July 2009

From then to now

Today's the 26th July 09 and we've had Oliver for nearly 3 months. He's grown an amazing amount and is more cat then kitten. He's been to the vet's 3 times, twice for injections and once to be weighed for worming. He's also booked in to be snipped and chipped when he's 6 months in September.

He's been to Kent to visit Tom's parents. He met their 6 year old cat Max, sniffed him, hissed at him and Max disappeared for the rest of the day. We also took him for a weekend at my parent's in Wiltshire, he loved being outside, but hated the journey back.

He's met friends, is terrified of strangers and although is yet to go out on his own, is happy being on a lead and walking round the communal gardens of the flat block. He's friends with the cat nextdoor and has seen a fox through the window. He's put up with SingStar nights and sat on my knee as I sang very loud out of tune kareoke. He loves hiding in the drying washing, helping to make the bed and generally getting under foot.

Since kittenhood he's loved me more then anyone else. If I leave the room he follows, he'll pick my lap first and if we let him in the bedroom at night, he sleeps on my neck. On the flip side I'm the one he play fights with, stalks and scratches - my right hand is covered in war wounds whilst Tom's is smooth.

He loves routine and hates it when we don't come back in the evening. He loves his luminous green play tunnel - though is now too big and it collapses whenever he tries to run through it. He loves his mouse on a string and carries it, stick and all around the flat. He get's very possesive of dried pasta - carrying it around and burying it under the rug in the hall and this morning, decided he likes to eat pear cores.

He makes the best chirupping noises when happy and little huffy hisses when play fighting. He pounces and pokes, climbs and leaps and has funny turns when he runs round the flat without touching the floor.

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